The Witnesses (Parados, Stasimon, Exodus), 2024
Unfired black, white and red clay, various dimensions
‘The Witnesses’ is an ongoing series of sculptures revolving around the figure and role of the witness. It consists of abstract, evocative and genderless figures that lean forward with curiosity and face the same direction, observing, questioning, recalling an incident, a person, a reality - something we are unable to see.
A voiceless Greek Chorus, sacred apotropaic figures, or extraterrestrial creatures, the witnesses have small eyes and no mouths or other recognisable features that would allow them to express themselves or share their knowledge. Grouped and placed on various architectural elements, when seen from the front they look back at us – with judgement? Or confusion? – reversing the roles and becoming the viewers themselves, turning the audience into their objects of interest.
Made of hardened, unfired clay, the fragile witnesses embody within themselves the frailty of their own existence - if placed in water they would eventually lose their form and return to their original, earthy, raw state of inanimate matter, while their knowledge – that which they have witnessed – is lost with them.
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