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Anatolian Phantom-Limbs

Stone and metal installation, 2022, 130 x 130 x 70 cm

The starting point for this work is a physical condition in which an amputated limb is still strongly felt by the body even years after it was lost. Located at the Dabbakoğlu House in the Old Town of Mardin, in South-Eastern Turkey, this installation features stone limbs that allude to various sculptures erected throughout history by civilisations and communities in Anatolia. In the recent past, stone artefacts from different cultures have been gradually disappearing from public space in pursuit of manufactured and homogeneous cultural imagery.

Cut off from the bodies they once belonged to, the stone remnants embody a physical oxymoron, rejecting their expected destiny and refusing to disappear. An absurd, anti-monumental installation, the work touches on cultural indoctrination, national archeological traditions, and authoritarian efforts to shape memory and imagination by looking at speculative counter-narratives and futures.

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